Friday, 11 January 2013
Friday, 11 January 2013
Zafar Bukhari
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free web hosting software XAMPP full version download
Xampp is one of the biggest free web hosting software.
XAMPP's name is an acronym for:
Requirements and features:
Web hosting software XAMPP requires only one zip, tar, 7z, or exe file to be downloaded and run, and little or no configuration of the various components that make up the web server is required. XAMPP for windows is regularly updated to incorporate the latest releases of Apache/MySQL/PHP and Perl. It also comes with a number of other modules including OpenSSL and phpMyAdmin.
Self-contained, multiple instances of XAMPP can exist on a single computer, and any given instance can be copied from one computer to another.
It is offered in both a full, standard version and a smaller version.
Click the link below to download it free...!
XAMPP's name is an acronym for:
- X (to be read as "cross", meaning cross-platform)
- Apache HTTP Server
- Perl
Requirements and features:
Web hosting software XAMPP requires only one zip, tar, 7z, or exe file to be downloaded and run, and little or no configuration of the various components that make up the web server is required. XAMPP for windows is regularly updated to incorporate the latest releases of Apache/MySQL/PHP and Perl. It also comes with a number of other modules including OpenSSL and phpMyAdmin.
Self-contained, multiple instances of XAMPP can exist on a single computer, and any given instance can be copied from one computer to another.
It is offered in both a full, standard version and a smaller version.
Click the link below to download it free...!
Zafar Bukhari
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Discrete Mathematics and(MTH202 Handouts)
What is Discrete Mathematics ?
Discrete mathematics is mathematics that deals with discrete objects. Discrete objects are those which are separated from each other. Integers, rational numbers, automobiles, houses, people etc. are all discrete objects. On the other hand real numbers which include irrational as well as rational numbers are not discrete. As you know between any two different real numbers there is another real number different from either of them. So they are packed without any gaps and can not be separated from their immediate neighbors. In that sense they are not discrete. In this course we will be concerned with objects such as integers, propositions, sets, relations and functions, which are all discrete. We are going to learn concepts associated with them, their properties, and relationships among them among others.
Clink the link below to download it free....
Discrete mathematics is mathematics that deals with discrete objects. Discrete objects are those which are separated from each other. Integers, rational numbers, automobiles, houses, people etc. are all discrete objects. On the other hand real numbers which include irrational as well as rational numbers are not discrete. As you know between any two different real numbers there is another real number different from either of them. So they are packed without any gaps and can not be separated from their immediate neighbors. In that sense they are not discrete. In this course we will be concerned with objects such as integers, propositions, sets, relations and functions, which are all discrete. We are going to learn concepts associated with them, their properties, and relationships among them among others.
Clink the link below to download it free....
Zafar Bukhari
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Dev C++ download free ( full version)
Dev C++ download:-
Dev C++ free download version is a full-featured integrated development environment (IDE), which
is able to create Windows or DOS-based C/C++ programs using the Mingw
compiler system (included with the package), or the Cygwin compiler.
These are the recommended requirements of Dev C++:
Dev C++ free download version is a full-featured integrated development environment (IDE), which
is able to create Windows or DOS-based C/C++ programs using the Mingw
compiler system (included with the package), or the Cygwin compiler.
These are the recommended requirements of Dev C++:
- Microsoft Windows 98, NT or 2000
- 32 MB RAM
- 233 Mhz Intel compatible CPU
- 45 MB free disk space
Dev-C++ allows you to write, compile and run a C or C++ program. C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C language that provides object-oriented programming (OOP) capabilities.
It is a superset of C, which means that you can use a C++ compiler to compile C programs. Object oriented programming techniques differ significantly from the sequential programming used in C programming language. Although a C++ compiler like Dev C++ allows you to compile a C program that includes some features of C++, in this course we will concentrate on C programming language. A program written in pure C language may be compiled and run using other C compilers, like Turbo C etc.
Click the link below to download it free..
Note:Dev c++ Downloaded file is in .RAR format you must need WinRar to extract it..
Download WinRar HERE.....
Enjoy dev c++ download free...!
Zafar Bukhari
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Assembly Language for x86 Processors 6th edition
Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition, teaches assembly language programming
and architecture for Intel and AMD processors. It is an appropriate text for the following types
of college courses:
• Assembly Language Programming
• Fundamentals of Computer Systems
• Fundamentals of Computer Architecture
Students use Intel or AMD processors and program with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM),
running on Windows 98, XP, Vista, and Windows 7. Although this book was originally designed
as a programming textbook for college students, it serves as an effective supplement to computer
architecture courses. As a testament to its popularity, previous editions have been translated into
Spanish, Korean, Chinese, French, Russian, and Polish.
Emphasis of Topics This edition includes topics that lead naturally into subsequent courses
in computer architecture, operating systems, and compiler writing:
• Virtual machine concept
• Instruction set architecture
• Elementary Boolean operations
• Instruction execution cycle
• Memory access and handshaking
• Interrupts and polling
• Hardware-based I/O
• Floating-point binary representation
Other topics relate specially to Intel and AMD architecture:
• Protected memory and paging
• Memory segmentation in real-address mode
• 16-bit interrupt handling
• MS-DOS and BIOS system calls (interrupts)
• Floating-point unit architecture and programming
• Instruction encoding
Certain examples presented in the book lend themselves to courses that occur later in a computer
science curriculum:
• Searching and sorting algorithms
• High-level language structures
• Finite-state machines
• Code optimization examples
Click here to download...
Enjoy assembly language for x86 processors....!
and architecture for Intel and AMD processors. It is an appropriate text for the following types
of college courses:
• Assembly Language Programming
• Fundamentals of Computer Systems
• Fundamentals of Computer Architecture
Students use Intel or AMD processors and program with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM),
running on Windows 98, XP, Vista, and Windows 7. Although this book was originally designed
as a programming textbook for college students, it serves as an effective supplement to computer
architecture courses. As a testament to its popularity, previous editions have been translated into
Spanish, Korean, Chinese, French, Russian, and Polish.
Emphasis of Topics This edition includes topics that lead naturally into subsequent courses
in computer architecture, operating systems, and compiler writing:
• Virtual machine concept
• Instruction set architecture
• Elementary Boolean operations
• Instruction execution cycle
• Memory access and handshaking
• Interrupts and polling
• Hardware-based I/O
• Floating-point binary representation
Other topics relate specially to Intel and AMD architecture:
• Protected memory and paging
• Memory segmentation in real-address mode
• 16-bit interrupt handling
• MS-DOS and BIOS system calls (interrupts)
• Floating-point unit architecture and programming
• Instruction encoding
Certain examples presented in the book lend themselves to courses that occur later in a computer
science curriculum:
• Searching and sorting algorithms
• High-level language structures
• Finite-state machines
• Code optimization examples
Click here to download...
Enjoy assembly language for x86 processors....!
Zafar Bukhari
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Roboform full version free download(password manager, password vault)
is the best password manager on the market. It
sits on your system under a "Master" password, then stores your
various login id's and passwords for all your accounts, which will allow you
to use much more secure passwords without having to memorize them. It will also
generate strong passwords for you and has autofill capability. You remember the master password Roboform remembers the rest. Protects against Identity
theft. It has a free version but limits the number of accounts. The purchased
version is unlimited.
the proprietary software password management program developed by Siber
Systems, Inc. It is available for many web browsers, but mainly supports
Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Netscape, as well as support for Palm
1.All Your Logins in One Place
Keep all your logins completely in
sync. No more worries about remembering your passwords. Access your favorite
sites quickly and securely.
2.Fill forms with a Single Click
Save time with easy one-click form
filling. Let RoboForm Password Manager fill in your data on almost any web
form. No more needless typing!
3.Access from Anywhere
Whether you are on your desktop,
laptop, netbook, or mobile device, you can always securely access RoboForm
Password Manager from anywhere.
4.Password management
4.Password management
password management is very easy using roboform(best password manager).
Click below link to install roboform with crack free
As downloaded file in .RAR so you must need WinRar to extract it.Monday, 7 January 2013
Monday, 7 January 2013
Zafar Bukhari
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The c++ programming language 4th edition pdf (c++ programming language pdf)
The c++ programming language 4th edition pdf:-
About the Author:
Robert Lafore has been writing books about computer programming since 1982. His bestselling
titles include Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC, C Programming Using
Turbo C++, C++ Interactive Course, and Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. Mr. Lafore
holds degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering, and has been active in programming
since the days of the PDP-5, when 4K of main memory was considered luxurious. His interests
include hiking, windsurfing, and recreational mathematics.
This book teaches you how to write programs in a the C++ programming language. However,
it does more than that. In the past few years, several major innovations in software development
have appeared on the scene. This book teaches C++ in the context of these new developments.
Let’s see what they are. If you want to download the the c++ programming language 4th edition pdf then...
Click the link below to download it.
You must need WinRar to extact the downloaded file.And adobe reader to rea it
Downlode WinRar HERE.....
Downlode Adobe reader HERE....
About the Author:
Robert Lafore has been writing books about computer programming since 1982. His bestselling
titles include Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC, C Programming Using
Turbo C++, C++ Interactive Course, and Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. Mr. Lafore
holds degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering, and has been active in programming
since the days of the PDP-5, when 4K of main memory was considered luxurious. His interests
include hiking, windsurfing, and recreational mathematics.
This book teaches you how to write programs in a the C++ programming language. However,
it does more than that. In the past few years, several major innovations in software development
have appeared on the scene. This book teaches C++ in the context of these new developments.
Let’s see what they are. If you want to download the the c++ programming language 4th edition pdf then...
Click the link below to download it.
You must need WinRar to extact the downloaded file.And adobe reader to rea it
Downlode WinRar HERE.....
Downlode Adobe reader HERE....
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Zafar Bukhari
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Autoblogged : A Wordpress Plugin
is a useful WordPress plugin::
If you want your sites to rank high and make you money, you
need to have steady streams of fresh, keyword-optimized content rolling in.
Updating a site and creating new content for it is time-consuming; AutoBlogged
is an autoblogging software program that simplifies and streamlines the process
for you through a WP autoblog. With this WordPress plugin, you can autopost and
get the job done more quickly.
This simple Wordpress Plugin autoblog program lets you create autoblogs in
minutes. Once you’ve set up autoposting, the blogging process couldn’t be
easier. This autoblogging plugin lets you set up a WordPress autoblog without
having a lot of technical know-how. As a plugin, it integrates easily with the
WordPress blogging program. You’re sure to appreciate the ease with which it
lets you set up your WordPress autoblog.
is Autoblogging Software?
Like many people, you probably use Wordpress Plugin for your
blogging needs. After all, it’s very cost effective. AutoBlogged is a WordPress
plugin that works by autoposting content to your blog – and by letting you
create autoblogs or a WP autoblog in an intuitive way. Instead of blogging the
old-fashioned way, tediously creating and uploading content, this first-rate
autoblogging software – and WordPress plugin – lets you autopost and create
autoblogs or a WP autoblog via a well-designed autoblogging plugin. AutoBlogged
is a very user-friendly plugin; it’s a snap to create autoblogs that will
enhance your profitability.
Autoblogging Software Works::
The process by which the AutoBlogged autoblogging software
works is simple. RSS feeds and Atom feeds are used to create fresh blog posts,
saving you time while blogging. Everything is automatically updated to your
WordPress.autoblog through this powerful WordPress plugin. The plugin
integrates seamlessly with WordPress, allowing you to set up a
WordPress.autoblog or create autoblogs in seconds. You don’t have to be
tech-savvy to set up the autopost or autoposting functions, either – this
autoblogging plugin is intuitive and user-friendly. In fact, you don’t have to
get involved in the technical side of the autopost or autoposting process at
all; instead, you can create autoblogs by navigating the simple, streamlined
AutoBlogged interface.
Features of AutoBlogged::
Setting up a Wordpress Plugin autoblog with the AutoBlogged autoblogging
plugin is a snap. Many key features are included in this dynamic WordPress
plugin and WP autoblog creator; they include:
- First-rate post filtering functionality that works seamlessly with your WP autoblog via a WordPress plugin
- Support for images and videos within the plugin
- Fully customizable post and autopost templates
- Ability to override feed date with user-defined values while autoposting
- Simple image-to-thumbnail creation
- Enhanced tagging capabilities when you create autoblogs
This autoblogging software can be used with WordPress 2.7 and
later, allowing you to create autoblogs and other blogging features with ease.
As a WordPress autoblog program, AutoBlogged automates the blogging process to
an incredible degree. This simple plugin allows you to autopost without hassle,
regardless of your technical skill.
exactly You Can Do with It::
Thanks to the versatile nature of this WordPress plugin,
autoposting – and the ability to create autoposts through the plugin -are just
two of its many capabilities. After setting up the plugin and a WordPress
autoblog, you’ll be able to enjoy many other blogging benefits. They include:
Creating topic portals with the
intuitive autoblogging software plugin
Generating keyword-dense content via
streamlined autoposting to your Wordpress Plugin autoblog or WP autoblog
Building blog networks through the
WordPress plugin interface
Aggregating RSS feeds through the
autoblogging software program, making it easy to autopost
Generating worthwhile alternatives
to traditional domain parking using the autoposting and autoblogging plugin
Earning money by setting up multiple
blogs without engaging in tedious blogging, all through one easy
WordPress.autoblog autoblogging plugin
Autoblogging Plugin::
Finally, you can set aside time-consuming blogging in favor
of a fully streamlined, automated autoblogging software and plugin. The
AutoBlogged plugin is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to rake in
significant money online. With it, anyone can autopost and create autoblogs.
There are many kinds of autoblogging software out there, but this autoblogging
plugin is one of the most user-friendly options. With a WP autoblog, you’ll be
able to churn out high quality, keyword-saturated content through an
easy-to-use autopost interface. Autoposting using this WordPress plugin
couldn’t be easier – invest in it today!
Install Wordpress Plugin right Here::::
Because downloaded file in rar format so you must have WinRar software.
Download WinRar HERE....
Zafar Bukhari
Read More
PHP Learning eBook Urdu(php tutorial)
Some students finds it difficult to learn any language in English. I specially talking about the students whom native language is urdu. so they feel comfortable to learn any type of course in their native language.
Here is a book of php language(php tutorial) and my sql in pdf format. And the special thing about this that it is in urdu. So the students whom native language is urdu can easily understands the basics of the php language and my sql.
Click the link below to install php and mysql book(in urdu) in pdf format.
To open this file you must need Winrar and Adobe reader.
Download WinRar HERE....
Download Adobe reader HERE..
Download Xamp software HERE....
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Here is a book of php language(php tutorial) and my sql in pdf format. And the special thing about this that it is in urdu. So the students whom native language is urdu can easily understands the basics of the php language and my sql.
Click the link below to install php and mysql book(in urdu) in pdf format.
To open this file you must need Winrar and Adobe reader.
Download WinRar HERE....
Download Adobe reader HERE..
Download Xamp software HERE....
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